Displays and weighing terminals
Scales cannot be properly operated without suitable displays or terminals. Their design and functionality depends obviously on the actual type of the scales and their purpose. For bench scales, an integrated display that shows the currently measured weight is normally sufficient. For heavy-load scales, large-scale displays are the preferred option, as they can be read from a distance. Displays come in two versions. On the one hand, we have units that simply display the weight without any additional control functions. These displays are generally used as secondary or additional displays. On the other, scales can be equipped with more powerful displays that feature an integrated control unit. Read more...
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Legal for trade - in plastic housing
terminals with 10", 12" and 15" touch
Weighing displays
Weighing displays are designed to enable operators to see all relevant data while operating the scales. When weighing livestock, a farmer or his assistant can for instance see immediately whether the animal is within the optimum range for the breed. This makes the process faster and helps prevent errors. Should it however be necessary to capture more than just the measured weight, a display unit with integrated control or a weighing indicator are more suitable. With a counter display, the operator is presented with three panels showing the unit weight, the total weight and the number of parts. Where scales need to be moved to different locations, rechargeable batteries are the most suitable power source. Such batteries are available for most scales. Remote displays are specifically designed for weighing systems where operators need to keep a distance from the actual scales. This is for example the case with axle load and vehicle scales. Crane scales are another example where a safety distance to the goods to be weighed must be kept, making remote displays indispensable. All BOSCHE displays are designed for operation in harsh industrial environments and come with IP54 protection.
Weighing indicators - advanced technology at your finger tip
Certain weighing equipment requires weighing terminals, amplifiers and converters. These devices are for example necessary to filter, linearize, amplify and standardise the outputs of load cells, force transducers and strain gauges. The signals are sent to a controller or PC where the data is evaluated, analysed and processed for specific measuring, regulating and control tasks. Weighing terminals normally include a number of amplification and filter circuits processing the analogue signals. Many amplifiers come with multiple channels, which means that more than one signal can be received and amplified at the same time.