Hopper scales for accurate stock management

Modern silos store commodities of many different types. In order to keep track of the content of a silo, weighing is generally the preferred option. For disruption-free production, companies must ensure that all necessary raw materials are available on site. Hopper scales have been specially designed to weigh the contents of such large vessels. They are normally kits designed for easy installation and adaptation in any silo type. Read more...

Principle of hopper scales

Hopper scales consist of multiple load cells and a display unit. The number of load cells is determined by the number of feet of the silo, which is normally 3 or 4. The individual load cells are placed on the feet and connected through a junction box with the other feet and the display unit. In most cases, they are pre-calibrated prior to shipping. Depending on the chosen control and display unit, several hopper scales can be combined into a single system for easy mixing of different raw materials.

Applications of hopper scales

Hopper scales are extremely versatile and can be used for all commodities stored in large-scale containers. They are primarily in operation in industrial plants where large quantities of raw materials need to be managed and weighed. As several hopper scales can be combined, operators can control and perform all mixing processes by means of such weighing systems. Hopper scales are also used where goods are transferred to vehicles, as exact quantities can be transferred to the respective containers, doing away with subsequent vehicle weighing.

Discover the world of BOSCHE silo scales

Find out everything about our innovative solutions for precise silo weighing. From robust silo scale modules to intelligent weighing terminals and modern and cloud-based IoT remote monitoring - our systems optimize your processes and increase efficiency.

Details about our products and technologies can be found in our icon_small_pdfBOSCHE Silowaagen Brochure.