
Product information "High load crane scales HDW"

Crane scale 50t

The HDW stainless steel crane scales (galvanised shackles) are reliable, easy to operate and suitable for weighing high loads. They serves as a single safety system for lifting and weighing loads of up to 50 t. Here, they combine reliability, ease of use and precision with low purchase costs, and they require virtually no maintenance. These crane scales are solid, reliable and can also be used outdoors due to their protection class of IP 67. A 40 mm large LED display, with adjustable brightness, ensures optimum readability even in direct sunlight. The low construction height enables the effective use of lifting devices. Crane scales are extremely robust and easy to use.
The shackles are made of high-strength, tempered steel in accordance with quality class 6 and meet EN 13889 standards. 

Crane scale 10t

The crane scale 10t is the entry-level model in the crane scale range, with lower nominal loads up to 10t, the crane scale 10t KDW is best suited for tensile loads. The HDW crane scale made of stainless steel is also available in nominal loads of 3t, 10t and other weighing ranges.

Features of the crane scales

  • Weighing capacity up to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 17 / 25 / / 35 / 55 t
  • Accuracy: +/- 0.05 % of the weighing capacity (+/- 0.05 % from 12t)
  • Protection class IP 67
  • Robust stainless steel housing
  • Galvanized shackles as standard
  • Compact dimensions and minimum distance between upper and lower shackles
  • Easy to use
  • Large 40 mm DOT-LED display, easy to read in all viewing conditions
  • Keypad with 5 keys: ZERO, TARE, MODE, PRINT, and ON/OFF
  • Power supply: 4 batteries (type AA)
  • Hold / tare / zero functions, accumulative memory
  • Simple operation with programmable self-shutdown
  • Power supply: rechargeable batteries (30 hours of operating time)
  • Upper and lower shackles included as standard
  • Remote control with 6 keys as standard

Compliance with the directives

  • Machinery Directive EN 2006/42
  • Cranes - Safety - Non-fixed load lifting attachments; EN 13155/2009
  • Forged steel shackles for general lifting purposes EN 13889
  • The Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU

Accessoires for crane scale 50t

  • Safety hook
  • Radio remote display device / handy and compact, therefore easy to transport and read.
  • ISO 17025 calibration certificate




Determination of loads in lifting devices. Weight monitoring in goods receipt, warehouse storage, production and dispatch. Hang the crane scales on the crane hook - switch on - carry out weighing.


Non calibratable Weighing range, Max Digit step, d
HDW-3Tt 3.000 kg 1 kg
6.000 kg 2 kg
9.000  kg 5 kg
HDW-12T 12.000 kg 5 kg
17.000 kg 10 kg
25.000 kg 10 kg
30.000 kg 20 kg
50.000 kg 20 kg
DH11   Rotatable lower hook with safety lock up to 11 t
DH15 Rotatable lower hook with safety lock up to 15 t.
DH22 Rotatable lower hook with safety lock up to 22 t
DH30 Rotatable lower hook with safety lock up to 30 t
H11    Fixed lower hook with safety lock up to 11 t
H15  Fixed lower hook with safety lock up to 15 t
H22  Fixed lower hook with safety lock up to 22 t
H30  Fixed lower hook with safety lock up to 30 t

Radio remote display unit. Handy and compact, therefore very easy to transport and read.
Radio module 868 MHz, integrated in crane scale. Max. Radio transmission: 70m indoors, 150m outdoors.

Drawing Crane Scale


Dimensions in mm Load H H1 H2 H3 L L1 B B1 D D1 Weight
HDW-3t 1,5 t 422 380 186 246 270 80 316 33 58 55 15 kg
HDW-6t 6 t 422 380 186 246 270 80 316 33 58 55 16 kg
HDW-9t 9 t 492 434 186 246 270 80 316 44 74 67 21 kg
HDW-12t 12 t 515 451 186 270 270 100 316 52 83 76 26 kg
HDW-17t 17 t 657 581 220 320 270 100 316 60 98 92 36 kg
HDW-25t 25 t 795 705 290 400 270 100 316 73 127 110 53 kg
HDW-35t 35 t 830 730 280 400 270 105 366 83 146 127 70 kg
HDW-55t 55 t 1105 955 370 540 270 130 445 105 184 153 140 kg

Dimensions of the shackles:


Dimensions in mm for Load B D1 D2 D3 D4 H Weight
Shackle 03 3.25 t 27 16 19 43 40 70 1 kg
Shackle 06 6,5 t 37 22 26 58 55 97 2 kg
Shackle 09 9,5 t 46 29 32 74 67 124 3,5 kg
Shackle 12 12 t 52 32 35 83 76 137 5 kg
Shackle 17 17 t 60 38 41 98 92 166 9 kg
Shackle 25 25 t 73 45 51 127 110 204 14 kg
Shackle 35 35 t 83 51 57 146 127 225 21 kg
Shackle 50 55 t 105 63 70 184 153 302 43 kg

Dimensions for rotating lower hook with safety lock:


Dimensions in mm for Load L L1 L2 H H1 H2 H3 B B1 D T Weight
GG01 1,5 t 92 80 46 210 165 26,5 49 32 22 17 23,5 1 kg
GG04 5 t 165 127 75 335 260 47 76 57 41,5 26,5 37,5 5 kg
GG07 8 t 155 127 75 335 260 49 76 59 41,5 26,5 42 8 kg
GG11 11.5 t 192 148 90 400 310 58 72 65 47 29 50 10 kg
GG15 16 t 221 155 90 440 350 70 89 76 58 32 61,5 11 kg
GG22 22 t 279 200 116 580 450 84,5 111 90 74 41 60,5 23 kg
GG30 30 t 345 235 135 670 520 103 116 115 92,5 50 96,5 32 kg

Dimensions for eye hooks with safety lock:


Dimensions in mm for Load L L1 L2 H H1 H2 B B1 Weight
GOC1 1,6 t 90 53 27 143 116 28 25 21 0,6 kg
GOC3 3,2 t 125 77 40 202 160 40 31 30 1,6 kg
GOA8 8 t  160 98 51 256 187 48 43 40 4 kg
GOA11 11 t 192 120 62 316 230 58 50 45 7 kg
GOA16 16 t 222 138 72 356 256 64 56 55 10 kg
GOA22 22 t 280 169 89 434 318 76 80 65 17 kg
GOA30 30 t 320 180 90 505 357 102 88 82 30 kg